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What do our beloved cats think about humans? You'll be surprised!

Have you ever wondered what cats think about us humans? Why are they sometimes so happy to see us, and other times it seems like they are dismissing us?

What do our beloved cats think about humans?
We can all agree on one thing: That our feline friends are lovely but very mysterious creatures. However, based on close studies from experts, you can find out many things about their thoughts by looking at their behavior.

While some people have such strong connections and understand their furry babies through eye contact and vice versa, other people find it difficult to understand what their feline friends have in mind. The truth is that learning more about our kitties can substantially impact and deepen our relationships with them.

So … how do cats feel about us?

If you think about it, you can find the answer in the ways our kittens greet us when we come home. Cats usually go towards us and rub between our legs. What they are really trying to do is to leave a mark on us and to cover us with pheromones. Their mother did the same with them when they were little and returned from adventures or play.

If you didn't know this, cats secrete pheromones in the saliva and glands from their head area. So while they feel that we belong to them, leaving those pheromones on our skin or clothes is so important to them.

We can all agree on one thing: That our feline friends are lovely but very mysterious creatures. However, based on close studies from experts, you can find out many things about their thoughts by looking at their behavior.

While some people have such strong connections and understand their furry babies through eye contact and vice versa, other people find it difficult to understand what their feline friends have in mind. The truth is that learning more about our kitties can substantially impact and deepen our relationships with them.

What humans think vs. what cats think

Humans and cats see things differently. How? Our cats prefer short interactions with high intensity, while we humans interact often but with short power. Let's clarify this through an example. Kittens love to be pampered for a little while. However, all our attention should be on them at that time. On the other hand, what we enjoy is holding them in our arms while watching T.V.

This is something that they don't really appreciate. Even though we see it as a cuddling time and love proof, our cats may think we are not paying attention to them. They need us to be 100% for them in moments of interaction. So, they are probably not as independent as we believe, from an emotional point of view.

The bond between our cats and us is based on the feeling of comfort that we humans have. For example, a study from 2016 showed that kittens feel safer and purr more when "their humans" smile.

Studies show that when our baby cats are spending time with strangers, they are not influenced in any way by their spirit. This is something you can experiment at home with your kitty. Try to analyze if there is any change of behavior according to your mood.

When it comes to purring, we only assume that they are happy when they purr. Although, it might not be entirely accurate. Gary Weitzman, a veterinarian and CEO of the San Diego Humane Society, said: "While the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear, and stress. Fortunately, more often, it's an indicator of the former." If you want to learn more about it, check this article later:

What do they think about the world that surrounds them?

what cats think

Our cats think that humans are some bigger and clumsier felines, as we stumble upon them sometimes. That's why, when we go through different situations with contentment, it becomes easier for them to accept it as well.

Even though they seem to be independent and look like nothing touches them, kittens can be more sensitive than you think. If there are more cats in the house and don't get on well with them, they can become stressed. You can learn more about how they show affection towards other cats from this article.

On the contrary, if your kitten spends a lot of time home alone, stress can become an issue. To the point that some physical diseases can appear as side effects of stress.

So... what do cats think about us?

In conclusion, our cats see us as more giant kittens. They need us to express their same kind of affection and learn how to react to new things.

The relationship we have with our furry family is the basis of their comfort. So don't forget to smile more often and show them that you are fully devoted when interacting with them. It seems like they're more attached to us than we might think.

Finally, we may also now agree on another thing: that incredible and surprising emotional bonds are born between our baby cats and us.

P.S. If you want to keep connected to us as well, you are welcome to become part of our community on Facebook or Instagram @MyCatsEssentials.