There are a lot of dog and cat stereotypes, but which animal is truly hooman’s best friend?

When people think of hooman’s best friend, they often conjure up images of Golden Retrievers, Huskies, and German Shepherds. Rarely do people think of cats. But if you ask anyone who shares their home with a cat, they won’t waste a second to tell you how much they love their floof (or chunker, or son, or precious fluff angel, or… you get the point). For us cat lovers, hooman’s best friend is truly the cat — the animal that has no trouble surviving in the wild but chooses to stay inside with us instead, and we should really stop comparing them to their doggie companions.
Compare and Contrast
“It’s raining cats and dogs.” “They fight like cats and dogs.” “Oh! He’s a dog person, and she’s well… kind of a cat lady.” For as long as we can remember, cats and dogs have been lumped into the same group. You like one, but you’re not supposed to like the other. It’s an odd rivalry that’s spawned comics, books, and even a movie. Based on dog and cat stereotypes, these misconceptions have caused cats to gain a bad rep over the past few years. Think Tom from Tom and Jerry. However, the reality is that cats are more honey than vinegar. They’re sweet, they’re playful, and all they want is affection from their favorite human. It’s time to show more respect for our beautiful feline friends and realize that a cat is a cat and will always do ‘cat things’ not ‘dog things’. While we expect them to do dog things like fetch the ball, go for a walk… we never expect our dog to purr or use the litter box.
A Cat For Every Home
People often divide themselves into cat lovers and dog lovers. The reality is that there is an animal out there for everyone. There’s a cat, a dog, a horse, or even a fish that matches your spirit and soul, and placing personality traits onto an animal because of their species can often limit your love. There is no divide or difference between cat and dog lovers; there is simply an appreciation for the animal who has chosen to share their life with you.
A Lifetime of Adventures
To a cat, our homes are their newest playground full of exciting adventures. Countertops turn into mountains, cabinets turn into caverns, exploring behind the fridge turns into spelunking. Cats find the mystery in every corner. They brave the open bathtub waters to pounce on the mysterious bubbles. They crawl their way through the blankets and pillows that make up the abandoned ruins of our beds. And, most importantly, they take the time and patience to make sure that we’re okay. They bring us appetizing offerings of mice, leaves, and bumblebees to help us feed ourselves. They lick our hands to make sure we’re clean, and they snuggle up to us to keep us safe. It’s our furry companion that chooses to stay beside us that wins the title of hooman’s best friend!
Each and every day, we have the opportunity to fight against cat stereotypes and share our homes with our pet companions. The chance to wake up next to and experience the love of another animal is something we should appreciate every single day. Cats show their love through nose boops, purrs, and gentle love nips, and at the end of the day, it’s the least we can do to show our love in return.
Tell us, who do you believe to be hooman’s best friend?